
How to make a from like this site Contact us form

Max_admin 17 Dec, 2006
Go to forms management under "Chrono Forms" under "components" in the admin area.

Select New.

type your form name, lets say it will be "myformname".

insert your own HTML code in the HTML code area.

Save the form

go to Menu > mainmenu > then select New

Choose type "Link - URL" then write the URL to be :

Thats it, for more advanced features plz read our Faqs here
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
evdebo 10 Jan, 2007
Unfortunately, when i follow these steps, i get the following result:
There is no form with this name, plz check the url and the form management 

The form name is copied, so no typo there. Already tried changing the form's name (no uppercase at all, no underscores, no spaces, ...) ... no luck.😟
Form is published (but tried unpublished as well, desperate as i am) ... no luck either.

Any suggestions?face-meh-blank
tina 21 Jan, 2007
I've got the same error too. Tried everything, but I had no luck.
Any idea?
Max_admin 21 Jan, 2007

This issue was occuring rarely with a few of users, if you met this then plz use V1.0.2.1 available at the downloads section now.:)


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
tina 23 Jan, 2007
It works! Thanks a lot.
NameGirl 25 Jan, 2007
This is a great script! Thanks!

That URL works perfectly for a site that I did not change to seo-friendly URL's yet.

However, I've also installed this on a site that I already have seo-friendly URL's on. So, what URL should i use for this one?
Max_admin 25 Jan, 2007
hi, and when do u put this at the SEF site what do u see at the menu link ? normal unfriendly link or friendly one ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
cybervigilante 08 May, 2007
When you type New, link - url appears under two different larger sections. Components and Links. Which is it?
laurel 12 May, 2007
I don't see Link - URL under components. Any that says "Link - Url" will be fine.
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