18). Here is my question: what is the variable name of that date_of_birth field from the form?Thanks for any helpkazpad"> variable name of input field for PHP validation - Forums


variable name of input field for PHP validation

kazpad 17 Nov, 2010
I am currently setting up a form, which has the date of birth in it. I need to present additional fields depending on whether the person (whose date of birth is captured) is of full age.

I therefore need to do some kind of "full-age-validation", which I will probably do in PHP (something like current_date - date_of_birth > 18).

Here is my question: what is the variable name of that date_of_birth field from the form?

Thanks for any help

GreyHead 17 Nov, 2010
Hi kazpad,

The usually way of getting a value from the form is to use the Joomla! JRequest methods - there are probably thousands of examples here by now.
$date_of_birth = JRequest::getString('date_of_birth', '', 'post');
. . .

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