
Error while creating table

mara 06 Nov, 2010
I am new in chronoforms ...
When i have installed it in joomla and then i have proved to create a form, to create a table connected to form, i have this message of error:
Error while creating table :Errore di sintassi nella query SQL vicino a ') ENGINE = MYISAM' linea 1 SQL=CREATE TABLE `jos_chronoforms_forse` () ENGINE = MYISAM ;
SOS Help me!!!
what i do?

thank you, and exuse for my english...
GreyHead 06 Nov, 2010
Hi mara,

There are no inputs selected to be included in the table and MySQL won't make a table with no columns.

in the Create Table dialogue **green** bars are selected and red bars are not selected.

mara 06 Nov, 2010
i have proved like you wrote, the table contains one field in addition to those of default. And then the column of "enable" field is green!
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