
There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpubl

loloscott78 27 Oct, 2010
There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management.

New problem, my form exists. I saw it in the front end. I can complete it, but when I click on submit button, I got this message: There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management.

What I have to check?
Version: V3.1_RC5.2
loloscott78 28 Oct, 2010
Finaly I found the problem. My form was named with "-" for exemple file-1.
Chronoform generated the folowing message:There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management.

I changed the name and all is working now.
betty111111 22 Mar, 2011
I just got caught with this too. If "-" are not allowed it should test for this and disallow them.
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