
Can Chronoforms do this?

amp 07 Oct, 2010
Hello, I want to do the following and wondering if Chronoforms can do this.

User registers on website with CB.
User fills in chronoform form
Form gets posted to admin and data saved
Only that user can come back and once logged in, view the entry or edit the data entered again.

Thanks for any help.
GreyHead 07 Oct, 2010
Hi amp,

The short answer is 'Yes'; the longer part is that the CB linkage can be tricky. I'm not a CB user but there are various posts here from people who've made this (or something similar) work OK.

amp 08 Oct, 2010
Hi Bob, thanks for the time to answer my post.
I think the thing I wanted to clarify was the ability for users to fill in some data using chronoforms, and then have the ability to edit that form (or data) at a later date via a link in their account to the form.
Thanks again for your post.
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