
Multiple Page Forms ??

swoods 03 Sep, 2010

I have a need to create a multi-page form. Can ChronoForms do this? If so, where can I find steps to do so?

The multi-page registration form will consist of 9 pages. Each page must save data submitted at each step/page. There will be some triggers like if a user selects a certain box they are redirected to skip some pages automatically. Most pages are simply fill in or select options and click a next link at bottom which saves data and moves to next step/page of the form.

I looked through the forum, searched multi-page form, multiple page form, but didn't find answer.

Thank you for taking time to read. Hopefully ChronoForms is the tool!
GreyHead 04 Sep, 2010
Hi swoods,

I'll move this post into the ChronoForms forum where it belongs.

There's a ChronoForms plug-in that can help you with this and it is possible to save after each step.

My search on 'multi page form' in the forums gets about 500 hits so there is plenty of material for you to look at.

swoods 08 Sep, 2010
Hello and Thank You, Sir...

My bad. I didn't put the search string in quotes I suppose when searching the forums originally.

ChronoForms is really an encouraging program. I look forward to learning and developing more.

Bought the Subscription, and the Cookbook. :-)

Thanks for being so quick with your support forum, as well.

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