
Validation not working

GreyHead 02 Sep, 2010
Hi fernav,

Your site is loading MooTools 1.2, not 1.1.2 I think that is the cause of the problem. If you are using Joomla 1.5.20 pleas check that the Joomla MooTools Upgrade plug-in is disabled.

fernav 02 Sep, 2010
Hi Bob, i'm using Joomla VersiĆ³n 1.5.15 so I can't find MooTools Upgrade plug-in.
Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot!!
GreyHead 02 Sep, 2010
Hi fernav,

Something else must be loading it then. First suggestion is the template; then any CSS/JS caching or compressing plug-in?

fernav 02 Sep, 2010
Hi Bob,
Sorry but i'm new to Joomla. Can you show me the way to "debug" this problem?
Thank you soooo much!!!
messyhead 02 Sep, 2010
Does ChronoForms not work with Mootools 1.2?

I'm using Joomla 1.5 and other parts of the site require Mootools 1.2. I was having trouble with the validation, but if I disable the Mootools upgrade, the validation works.

But I need to use Mootools 1.2.
GreyHead 02 Sep, 2010
Hi messyhead,

Earlier this week I posted some fixed ChronoForms files that will let you run the front-end under MooTools 1.2. The ChronoForms back-end still requires 1.1

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