
Mail function

cicibar 30 Aug, 2010
I have set up my email settings through the wizard and got the green "approval" box; and have enabled my form and clicked "yes" to "Email the results?".

Then through the Joomla menu, I added a new menu item, ChronoForms, to set a page for my form to reside - I tested my form -- along with my "after form submission" message, I receive this error: Could not instantiate mail function.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong... What else do I need to do to get a copy of the submitted form emailed to the client and to me?

Thanks - and great component - much appreciated.
_Cindy Barnard
GreyHead 31 Aug, 2010
Hi Cindy,

This is an 'all-purpose' error message that Joomla! uses when it can't send an email.

Do you have a working e-mail server set up for your site in Global Configuration? There are some hints for checking in FAQ #26

cicibar 14 Sep, 2010
Thanks for your help; just wasn't sure what part of ChronoForms was considered "non-commercial".

Non-Commercial or not, I definitely want and need to support good Joomla components.
Thank you for this one.
GreyHead 15 Sep, 2010
Hi Cindy,

If you buy a license and validate your copy of ChronoForms then the strap line under the form is removed and the message in the Forms Manager changes from red to green. The functionality is all the same apart from this.

The PayPal and plug-ins installed with ChronoForms are both developer versions that randomise the amount; versions without the randomiser are available from Max for a small fee.

Max also asks for a fee if you use the submit_content form but I'm not sure that there is any way to pay for that.

I also have some more advanced 'How-to' docs at that are paid (and others that are free), and the ChronoForms book is available to buy from Packt Publishing.

I think that covers all the commercial features.

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