
Just simply not e-mailing..

etcbbu 30 Aug, 2010

I just set up a form at my Joomla! website using ChronoForms' newest version, and it's not seeming to e-mail the results. Here is my site, and then the page where the form sits:

I don't know--I mean, this is an uber-basic form. And then, I made sure and set the "Email the results" option to "Yes", there on the Edit page, within my Joomla! Administration panel for ChronoForms.

Any ideas that I should make sure and check?

Thanks for any hep anyone can give me.

etcbbu 30 Aug, 2010
Could it possibly have to do with my php on my webhost only being php 4.x? Should it be php 5.x?
gail_emery1957 30 Aug, 2010

Could it possibly have to do with my php on my webhost only being php 4.x? Should it be php 5.x?

I don't think so. I have version 4.x and I am not having any concern. hmmmp!
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2010
Hi etcbbu,

You most likely haven't enabled the Email Setup - set 'Enabled' to 'Yes' in the Properties box. If it's greyed out then you don't have the minimum required elements set up: To, Subject, From Name & From Email.

Please check the Email Tutorial form the Tutorials link above for more info.

etcbbu 30 Aug, 2010
Ohh, ok, that may be my issue. I did set up a "To" field, but I did not mess with Subject, From Name & From Email at all. I will check out that tutorial. Thanks.
etcbbu 30 Aug, 2010
Could I get some help configuring the "Dynamic From" field? It says I can configure a "Dynamic From" field to populate based on whatever a user enters into a previous field on the form.

On my form, I've got a "Your E-Mail Address" field, for a user to put their e-mail address so that they can be contacted. How could I get a "Dynamic From" field to look at this "Your E-mail Address" field?

Thank you for the help, so far.

etcbbu 30 Aug, 2010
Or, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say it "populates" from a previous field--it more like defines a parameter from a previous field, right?
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2010
Hi etcbbu,

You need to put the name of the input in the Dynamic To box. If ChronoForms set it then it will be something like text_3 (put it in the box without brackets or quotes).

etcbbu 31 Aug, 2010
Working wonderfully. Thank you for the help ^_^ .

God bless.

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