
Custom Picklist to vTiger

batahawa 26 Aug, 2010
Trying for days to get custom picklist and checkboxes into vTiger using Chronoforms and Joomla 1.5
Text field populate into vTiger with no problems just Dropdowns and Check Boxes don't for from names I use the correct vTiger names such as cf_454 .... Is there anyone out there can can help or even make a short proff of concept video for us newbies - I've search the web and seems many people having same issue.

Thanks TonyQ

GreyHead 27 Aug, 2010
Hi TonyQ,

Hard to tell, the value cf_545=Restaurant is being passed to VTiger OK - my first assumption would be that there is a mismatch with the VTiger configuration. I can’t tell any more than that from the video :-(

batahawa 27 Aug, 2010
All SEt - I edited the forms html code and everything works including the check boxes ... I will post a how to video when I have time.
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