
Form submission

kbanks 25 Aug, 2010
I have an online employment application that allows a resume to be uploaded. Currently, I have my e-mail template set up to resemble the application but this format is not secure enough when it is generated therefore, I would like the application and resume to upload to a specified file folder and an e-mail generated that just states that an application has been saved/uploaded to that folder. How do I direct my application submission to that folder along with the resume file so that our Human Resource staff can access it and just receive the e-mail that an application had been submitted?
GreyHead 25 Aug, 2010
Hi kbanks,

What happens to the application? Or, more specifically, what format does it need to be in?

I've recently built an application a bit like that and used ChronoConnectivity to show a list of applications received with links so that [HR] could view the details of each received application. It's easy to add a link to this for downloading the file.

kbanks 25 Aug, 2010
Currently the application is sent to HR's e-mail in basically the same format as it appears on the screen. It is not sent as an attachment other than the resume attachment. I want HR to only receive an e-mail that an application has been submitted but I want the actual application to save to a secure file that we can password protect. I guess it's not really a matter of the format I need it to be in once it is saved but just getting it to where I want it to be saved. I hope that makes sense.
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2010
Hi kbanks ,

Normally you'd just save the form inputs into a database table and recall them as needed. I don't know if this is secure enough for you. You could encrypt the contents before saving and/or create an HTML/Word document and save that.

kbanks 27 Aug, 2010
Thank you for your posts. Bear with me as I am new to this and learning on the fly. Where would build the database file? Can I build it on our server and have the information upload to that specific file? What then happens to the attachment if it is sent in PDF or DOC format?
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2010
Hi kbanks ,

Normally you'd save the data into the MySQL database on your site server. You can connect to a remote MySQL server if you prefer though.

The attached files will also be saved on the site server by default; or emailed to someone. Again you can write code that will transfer them to another server.

danilo1990 22 Mar, 2011

Normally you'd save the data into the MySQL database on your site server. You can connect to a remote MySQL server if you prefer though.

Hi Bob, i'm a newbie user of Chronoform.
For first, i'm a italian boy and i'm sorry for my bad english. For second, i have a big problem, help me please 😟

I'm a creator of web sites and for my client i must create a form.
Here's the problem, this form must read and write datas to a DB's possible? If the answer is yes (i hope 😀 ), i how do this?
Thanks danilo1990!
danilo1990 22 Mar, 2011
i'm sorry bob, but this method your is compatible with database MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server 200*)?
GreyHead 22 Mar, 2011
Hi danilo1990,

I don't know, please let us know when you find out.

danilo1990 23 Mar, 2011
i'm sorry Bob, but this code
$options = array(
'host' => 'xxx',
'user' => 'xxx',
'password' => 'xxx',
'database' => 'xxx',
'prefix' = 'xxx',
'select' => true
$db2 =& new JDatabaseMySQL($options);

in which file should I put it?
GreyHead 23 Mar, 2011
Hi danilo1990,

In one of the OnSubmit boxes - probably the OnSubmit After Email box -- if you want to write the results to the remote database.

In the Form HTML if you are reading results.

I'd set up a very, very simple form (a text input and a submit button) to check if the connection works at all.

danilo1990 24 Mar, 2011
Sorry Bob, I do not understand 😟
the code (<?php .... ?>) I must insert into a file php of the Chronoforms folder or into the component Chronoforms? If i insert this code into component Chronoform, where should I put it precisely? I create my form with the tab "Form Wizard" and no "Easy Form's ok?
But I must use Chronoconnectvity otherwise i do only use chronoforms?
Sorry Bob but i don't understand the english and this component, for me, it's very complicated! 😟
danilo1990 24 Mar, 2011
Ok, I understand where to put the php code to get the data entered, but if I want to create a select box taking data from the remote database, how can I do?
GreyHead 24 Mar, 2011
Hi danilo1990,

Sorry, you didn't mention that you were using ChronoForms v4 - my tutorial and my reply here is for ChronoForms v3

In CFv4 you'd need to add a Custom Code Action to the On Submit Event and put the code there.

danilo1990 24 Mar, 2011
I'm an idiot, i'm sorry Bob!
About the other problem, if I want to create a select box taking data from the remote database, how can I do? I must insert a code into the Form or I must change the parameters of Chronoforms php files?
GreyHead 24 Mar, 2011
Hi danilo1990,

In CFv4 you'd need to add a Custom Code Action to the On Submit Event and put the code there.

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