Jane DogLover [Street_Address] => 1234 AppleTree Ln, Apple City, GA, 12345 [Home_Phone] => 123-456-7890 [Work_Phone] => [Mobile_Phone] => [Primary_Email] => [email]jane@dog.com[/email] [Alt_Email] => [check0] => Array ( [0] => Call me for Anything: [1] => Adoption Events: [2] => Gift Wrapping Events: ) [Other_events] => [check1] => Array ( [0] => Yes - Contact me anytime: ) [check2] => Array ( [0] => Yes - Sign me up please: ) [chrono_verification] => aFrbq [button_15] => Submit Application [842968623bdacc6d5423278f861cec11] => 1 [1cf1] => 2a25a29ce64d22dabc7649e0d1eee647 [chronoformname] => VolunteerApplication ) 6. $_FILES Array: Array ( ) 7. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK 8. An email has been SENT successfully from () to [email]erica@secondhandsnoots.org[/email] 9. Debug End"> Email submission question - Forums


Email submission question

ebrown926 23 Aug, 2010
I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered. I searched the forums and did not come across any answers that helped me.

I have a field in the form set up for full name and for email address, I would like the information in this form to populate the From Name and From Email addresses upon submission. Is this possible? In the Setup Emails I have the "Dynamic Fromname" as [Full_Name] and "Dynamic FromEmail" as [Primary_Email] which are the field names, but after I've applied and saved them and go back and look at them it appears that the system has updated it to [Full_Name and [Primary_Email - removing the closing bracket. I greatly appreciate any thoughts and input! Thank you in advance!

Here is the information off my last test:
From: []
To: [email]erica@secondhandsnoots.org[/email]
Subject: Volunteer Application Submission
Volunteer Application
Full Name: Jane DogLover
Street Address: 1234 AppleTree Ln, Apple City, GA, 12345
At least one telephone number is required. Applications without at least one phone number will be considered incomplete and not accepted.
Home Phone: 123-456-7890
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:
At least one email address is required. Applications without at least one email address will be considered incomplete and not accepted.
Primary Email Address: [email]jane@dog.com[/email]
Alternate Email Address:
Volunteer Questions:
What type of events would you like to volunteer at?
Call me for Anything:, Adoption Events:, Gift Wrapping Events:

Other events I want to volunteer at:
Can we contact you to volunteer for future events?
Yes - Contact me anytime:

Would you like to be signed up for our newsletter?
Yes - Sign me up please:

Enter Captcha {imageverification}

1. Form passed first SPAM check OK
2. Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
3. Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
4. Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
5. $_POST Array: Array ( [Full_Name] => Jane DogLover [Street_Address] => 1234 AppleTree Ln, Apple City, GA, 12345 [Home_Phone] => 123-456-7890 [Work_Phone] => [Mobile_Phone] => [Primary_Email] => [email]jane@dog.com[/email] [Alt_Email] => [check0] => Array ( [0] => Call me for Anything: [1] => Adoption Events: [2] => Gift Wrapping Events: ) [Other_events] => [check1] => Array ( [0] => Yes - Contact me anytime: ) [check2] => Array ( [0] => Yes - Sign me up please: ) [chrono_verification] => aFrbq [button_15] => Submit Application [842968623bdacc6d5423278f861cec11] => 1 [1cf1] => 2a25a29ce64d22dabc7649e0d1eee647 [chronoformname] => VolunteerApplication )
6. $_FILES Array: Array ( )
7. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
8. An email has been SENT successfully from () to [email]erica@secondhandsnoots.org[/email]
9. Debug End
nml375 23 Aug, 2010
Hi Erica,
The actual names of those are Full_Name and Primary_Email (without the [], shouldn't be any {} in the email setup either).

That said, using the Dynamic From* controls sometimes causes the email to be treated as spam. The currently prefered way 'round is using a static "From Name/Email" such as [email]noreply@yoursite.tld[/email], and add a "Dynamic ReplyTo Name/Email" with the email and name from the form. This makes email servers treat the email nicely, while still allowing the reply-button in your email client to work properly.

ebrown926 24 Aug, 2010
Thank you so much for your reply! That worked!
Just to make sure I did it correctly, because I now receive 2 emails of the submission -- which I can live with. 😀
In Setup Emails, I have two set up, one with the static from name/email and then a 2nd one with the dynamic from name/email. It is working, but I just wanted to make sure that is what you were instructing me to do.

Thanks again!!!
GreyHead 24 Aug, 2010
Hi Erica,

I don't think Fredrik is suggesting two email setups. Just one - but without the Dynamic From Name & Dynamic From Email.

Instead use the static From Name & From Email AND the Dynamic ReplyTo Name & Dynamic ReplyTo Email - all four elements in the same setup.

ebrown926 24 Aug, 2010
Ohhhh ... I totally mis-read and missed that I should be using the Dynamic Reply To & Dynamic Reply To Email ... So sorry.
Thank you so much!!! I've got it working now! Fabulous!
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