
Registration Form - additional Fields

pcopeland 23 Aug, 2010

I'm looking to create a registration form that contains additional fields. Can ChronoForms do this. After reviewing the tutorial I can see how to create a custom Registration Form - but it does not appear that it allows additional fields to be added. Am I missing something?


GreyHead 23 Aug, 2010
Hi Philip,

Yes you can add extra fields and use the DB Connection tab to save them to a separate table linked by the user_id. It's a little tricker to make them re-editable, it's on my list to write a 'How-to' doc for this.

pcopeland 24 Aug, 2010
Another topic that would be very interesting to understand is

"if a user has registered can I then utilise that registation information to prepopulate another form - such as a product enquiry form". Idealy if a user has registered they should not have to reenter their details again in another form.
GreyHead 24 Aug, 2010
Hi pcopeland,

For the Joomla!User info - you can easily access that. Search here on 'getUser' for many examples.

FiGu 25 Aug, 2010
Hi GreyHead!
I'm lining up for the "How-To" create registration form with more fields.

I followed the toturial for creating the registration form, but in the process, I added more fields like phone number, adress, radio-button for this and that, and so on. It looks good, but it doesn't work...😀
I have not directed the user away from the original registration form yet, so I'll just wait for the new "How-to"...


GreyHead 25 Aug, 2010
Hi FiGu ,

Ok I hear you.

I'm currently formatting and uploading the 'extra' items I wrote that didn't make it into the ChronoForms book. Once I've done with them this is high on my list.

FiGu 27 Aug, 2010

Hi FiGu ,

Ok I hear you.

I'm currently formatting and uploading the 'extra' items I wrote that didn't make it into the ChronoForms book. Once I've done with them this is high on my list.


Great!! I think a looooot of webdesigners are looking for a possibility to get some more info about their users/members.
Thanks a lot!! I will follow the forum close in the future, but where can I find info about it when the "How-to" is available?



Never mind my question... I was asking before checking... Sorry! 😶
GreyHead 27 Aug, 2010
Hi Figu,

I'll try to remember to post it here - or you can check on my site here. I'm about half-way through the 'extras' from the book now - there's about 50% mor than got into the book.

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