
Multiple Forms On Single Page

awilkin 21 Aug, 2010
On a single page I am considering putting a couple of different forms, via the plugin mechanism. One is to have check boxes to capture opt-in information for various subscription to newsletters, etc. The other is for an address for a brochure to be sent out.

Yet I only want one submit button located on the page, and both sets of data to be submitted. I am sure I can do this programatically, but I guess I am after advice on best practice. Should I be attempting it or using a single form and using CSS to restructure the format?

Any thoughts, examples of what other people have done.



P.s. Am waiting for the book to come out, just another week and a bit to go...
GreyHead 22 Aug, 2010
Hi Andy,

I've moved this thread from ChronoComments to ChronoForms.

I'm not sure how you'd do this and it may not even be possible. The 'form' is the code beteen the <form> and </form> tags and as long as you can arrange to have alll the inputs inside the same pair of target then the form should work OK.

One alternative would be to build the whole page in ChronoForms as a single large form/article.

awilkin 22 Aug, 2010
Hi Bob,

Did this as a single form and moved bits about using CSS positioning and kept it as one form. Much simpler that way, but have other questions now (see new post).


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