
Submitted Forms saved to User Account

redordead 20 Aug, 2010
I use Chronoforms mostly for bespoke forms on my sites, but I need a solution to this request from a client:

Staff Members login to Company Joomla website and complete forms online (eg Holiday Request)that are then emailed to receipient/admin email and also CC' back to staff member.

Now the problem bit - The Staff Member can also view the forms (& details) he/she has previously filled in within his/her user account. So their user account is a repository for all the forms they have filled in previously.

Any suggestions how this can be done?

Willing to pay for solution.
GreyHead 20 Aug, 2010
Hi redordead,

Sounds like a ChronoConnectivity application.

Save the form info to tables as it is submitted AND save a short record to another table that records the user, date, formname, record_id, etc.

Use ChronoConnectivity to show the user a summary list of all the forms they have submitted and add 'edit' links as appropriate so that they can re-open and resubmit the form.

It's not too difficult but the devil will be in the details of keeping all the data coherent.

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