
Problem with error messages with 2 forms loaded

manulesurfeur 19 Aug, 2010

I have created 2 forms :
- Newsletter (for newsletter subscription) visible on all pages in a module
- Contact (inserted in 1 article)

The two forms use validating onlyOnBlur.
There are no duplicates of id or name.

I have created a custom div for error message for the newsletter form.

When the 2 forms are loaded on the same page, errors messages does'nt work (only red coloration of form items work).

- When the two forms are loaded :

- When Newsletter form module is disabled on the contact page :

GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi Emmanuel,

Please will you post (or PM me) a link to the form so I can take a look.

manulesurfeur 19 Aug, 2010

The link : *******************
(let me know when I can suppress the link please :wink:)

I'm actually trying to make custom div for messages of Contact form.
I think it will work because if i save the newsletter form with the form wizard, the error message doesn't work too for this form.

(sorry for my english)
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi Emmanuel,

I don't see the form there. The easy fix is probably to add a code snippet to the Newsletter module to hide it on ChronoForms pages.

manulesurfeur 19 Aug, 2010
Sorry, the good link : *******************
The 2 forms are created with chronoforms.
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi Emmanuel,

It may be that the problem is with the dash in the id for the newsletter form. Try replacing it with an underscore.

Otherwise the problem is somewhere deep in the JavaScript and the answer is probably to suppress the module on the form pages.

manulesurfeur 19 Aug, 2010
This is not the dash.

If I use "show my custom divs" instead "default style" for Contact form too and create all the CF_LV_ERROR_* divs; its work.

Thank you.
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