
The code in the field "It Submit code - before Sending email

pelucre 18 Aug, 2010

After creating an item and having to insert an article with the plugin, I inserted the following code in the field "It Submit code - before Sending email:" of "Form: Code"

<script type="text/javascript">

function verif() {
var isVal = false;

for (idx in aDesc=document.body.getElementsByTagName('input'))
	if (aDesc[idx].type=='checkbox' && aDesc[idx].checked== true)
		isVal = true;
	if (isVal == false) 
		alert('Veuillez choisir un des loisirs');
		return false;
		return true

But that function, is not executed under when submit the form.

What should I change to this code is executed?

Thank you in advance for your help
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi pelucre ,

What do you want the script to do? JavaScript will only work in the browser; the OnSumit code is executed on the server after the form submits so needs to be in PHP.

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