
Form Creation

kimhuff 18 Aug, 2010
How do you create forms in a format that you want. For example. The wizard puts everything in one column. But I might want it to look like this.

First Name [ ] Last Name [ ]
Address [ ]
City [ ] State [ ] Zip [ ]

How do I get my form to look like that on a page?

Thank you,

GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi Kim,

You can edit the Form HTML directly in the Form Editor (click the Form Name in the Form Manager, the the Form Code tab, then the [+/-] link to open the Form HTML box). You can put HTML from any source there.

Or you can use the multi-holder element in the Wizard, It's a little tricky as you need to identify the elements to be included by counting from the first element.

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