
Quick question - cf label widths.

cb1 17 Aug, 2010

All my form label widths default to 150px. (I have 3 forms on 1 site).

Can I change this parameter? When I go into the default styles within the component - the parameter governing width is commented out. I can't find anything in the styles that is setting the width - yet when I look in Firebug - there it is width:150px.

Am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks!
GreyHead 17 Aug, 2010
Hi cb1 ,

For some mysterious reason the labels are styled in the Form HTML. You can change the width in the Wizard Edit | Properties boxes; by editing the Form HTML directly; or possibly by overriding the CSS with an important! tag

cb1 17 Aug, 2010
I was wondering why I could not find them.

When I overwrite them with the important tag - where do I have to put that? Anywhere special?
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2010
Hi cb1,

The guidelines are here but I'm not sure if an !important in a stylesheet will over-ride the style set in the tag.

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