I am trying to create a Multi Page form without success. Here are the steps I am taking to do this:
1. Created a mother form called mother, nothing in it.
2. Created a form called form_1, just put one field in.
3. Created a form called form_2, just put one field in.
4. Created tables for form_1 and form_2.
5. Enabled Multi Page plugin on mother form. In number of steps, selected 2. Step form names, I entered form_1,form_2. Finalize button name Go and nav and debugging set to no.
6. Published all forms.
When I click on the mother form link, I get a blank page. If I click on the individual forms I see the fields. Am I missing a step? I followed the process in the help tab.
Hi ddouglas ,
That all sounds exactly correct.
Please check the Plugins tab. To be enabled the plugin must have a *green* bar (and probably all the others should be *red* bars).
Thanks, I forgot that step. Now when the form actually shows, I only see form_1, not form_2. I added a submit button on form_2 to write the data to the tables. Not sure if that was correct.
Hi ddouglas,
When you submit step 1 you should go to step 2
Hi Bob,
OK, so I should have submit buttons for each step, right? I'll try that.
Thanks for the quick response.
I deleted everything and started fresh and everything is working as I want. I just need to relate the tables now.
I tried both and the step by step is the way to go for me as well. Thanks for your help, everything is working as expected.
So am I missing something. Where do I find the plug in at? I looked on the site and don't see it.
Also I'm trying to do something different with the multi page form. My client wants them to be able to enter in their personal information and then some information about some artwork they want to submit. Then they want the option to submit just that or add another art piece. I wanted to use the multi page form for this. Can it do that? Can they opt to submit or go to the next page to add another piece? If so, how can I do that. If it's explained in your "cookbook" I'll go ahead and buy it now. I actually just saw it and plan on buying it anyway because this truly is the best form tool out there for Joomla.๐คจ
UPDATE: BTW just got your E-Book.... I love it! This is so perfect especially for the advanced features BUT I don't think it answers my guestion about submitting part of the form or moving on to a part 2 page.
Hi prdg1,
Sorry. Multi-page forms with optional pages didn't make it into the book :-( Maybe I'll write it if we can work out how to do it.
I think it could be done using steps navigation to skip unwanted pages but I'm not certain.
Oooh. Well add that to your new enhancements list. Hhhmmm well I'll try to see what I can do. I'm guessing then what I'm going to have to do is create a basic form and if they want to resubmit additional pieces, they'll have to go back to the form and resubmit the form again. I was just trying to avoid them having to re-enter their information. Thanks again. ๐
BTW - any ideas on when another release of the tool with cool features is gonna happen?
Hi prdg1,
You can recall their info by setting a cookie or using the user session.
I know that Max has some code re-written but I think that he is waiting for Joomla 1.6
Good idea. Yeah Joomla 6 ought to be interesting but the big thing is long as they can figure out a way to easily move our sites to that without issue and be able to use all the previous modules/components, then I'm in. But until then I'm quite happy with the 5 versions.
So I think what I've decided to do is those optional fields, I'm going to hide with a drop down feature. So they can click on "add additional artwork" and the fields will drop down and appear for them to complete and so on. Seems like the best option for now that way, since they aren't required fields, they can just hit submit if they don't want to add those items.
Thanks again.
Hi prdg1 ,
That sounds good to me.
Hey everyone,
Was wondering if there is a way to have multiple page forms all point to the one db table?
If so, is it as simple as pointing all child forms to the one db table?
I'd imagine there would a have to be more to it then that, a way to keep the data entered in the previous forms associated with the one entry.
thanks for any help : )
Assuming I create a hidden field with a value of "cf_id"?
N.B. I'm waiting for the book to ship ๐
Thanks so much for all your help, what would we do without you?
I have a multi-page form, which seems to work when I go to the direct link: (e.g. http://www.mysite.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=Parentform)
However, if I try to embed it in a page with the plug-in, it shows up as blank. Other, single-page forms show up OK. Is this expected?
What's the easiest way to change the overall page layout for a form? In my case, I want the multi-page form page to hide the left and right rails, and expand the content area.
Hi Patrick,
Check the in the page source that the form tag isn't wrapped in <p> tags - that will hide the form in IE.
Using the plug-in form with mult-page forms is always a bit tricky as you need to work out what will happen on the second page - that will not be embedded and can look odd. It might be easier to link out of the article to a stand-alone form page from the beginning.
Thanks. I'm putting together a multi-page survey form with dozens of pages -- like a Wizard.
Results need to go into the database.
Any hints or tips would be very much appreciated ... ๐
Feels a bit like I may be pushing the envelope.
I am working step-by-step now. And it seems to basically work, with a couple of concerns:
1) Reloading the page behaves weirdly (goes to the next step, etc.)
2) The "steps" text filed on the multi-page plug in won't fit a lot of pages if they have long names ....
I need to have a slider control for many of the responses (you know a scale of 1 to 5 and you slide to the right place). I'm looking at various ones (drag dealer, tigra slider), but it seems like at least the first one is not going to go in smoothly. Any tips on adding this kind of thing to CF forms?
I poked the value into the chronocontact plugins table.
Seems to work.
Fingers crossed ...
Is there any special trick to suppressing empty radio button values on a multi-page form?
I have some that are not required, and they show up in the eMail as:
And I would like to make them show up as blank if they have not been submitted.
I put this in the before eMail code:
$MyForm->data['high_inno_poli'] = JRequest::getString('high_inno_poli', '', 'post');
$MyForm->data['high_loose_tight'] = JRequest::getString('high_loose_tight', '', 'post');
... but I still see "{high_inno_poli}" as the value in the eMail if it is not set in the form.
I have attached the "before email" function to the master form. Using CF 3.2.
I tried putting it on both the master and the child forms -- no joy ...
Yup. V3.2 ...
Any way to suppress the {fieldname} in 3.2?
Hi Patrick,
Err yes - in my previous post.