
How to resume digited data

paolod 15 Aug, 2010
I didn't exactly understand how to use the plugin to resume digited data to the user, before sending them.
Do I have and install an additional plugin after installing main ChronoForms component?
Is there a tutorial about?
GreyHead 15 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,

I'm sorry I don't understand your question.The ChronoForms Mambot / Plug-in is used to display a form in a Joomla article.

paolod 15 Aug, 2010
In Forms Management, on the left column, you find a "Confirmation page" plugin.
In the Help of the plugin, I find that "The Confirmation page plugin shows a page of form results after the form is submitted but before emails are sent or data saved."
Really good for me, but it's not intuitive to me how to use this plugin.
GreyHead 15 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,

Here's the important part:

In the Confirmation Page Code box you may enter HTML to display the submitted results. Use {field_name} to show the value of any field from the form.

Experiment with this and the rest should become easier.

NB You must enable the plug-in on the Form Plug-ins tab.

paolod 16 Aug, 2010
But, whilst I checked "Yes" to "Show buttons?", it doesn't display me "Submit" and "Back" buttons to proceed with sending e-mail and storing data.
How can it be?
GreyHead 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,

I don't see a 'Show buttons' option?

You can create a back button using the Steps navigation and a little code if you need it.

paolod 16 Aug, 2010
This is the plugin I'm speaking about:


and this is its configuration:


Whilst I choosed to "Show buttons", no "Submit" and "Back" button appears, so users can't send/save data!
nml375 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,
I roughly recall there being an issue with the value of that setting. Try setting this to "No" and save, then re-open the plugin settings and revert it back to "Yes".

paolod 16 Aug, 2010

Hi paolod,
I roughly recall there being an issue with the value of that setting. Try setting this to "No" and save, then re-open the plugin settings and revert it back to "Yes".


Definitely NOT, I tried, but buttons don't display.
I also cleaned cache, set to "No", saved, re-opened, set to "Yes", but nothing to do.
Simply they don't display.
I believe ChronoForms plugins they had and be released with an XML configuration file, so to charge default values when Joomla! opens.
Anyway... any other suggest?
Definitely a GOOD component, but I can't show a "We received, thank you" without prompting the user a summary of data, it's simply unusable!
nml375 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,
Oki, Could you try this then:
Locate and edit the com_chronocontact/plugins/cf_confirmation.php file in your favourite text editor.
Around line 327 you should find this:
                if ( $params->get('buttons') == 'Yes' ) {

Change that into this:
//              if ( $params->get('buttons') == 'Yes' ) {
                if ( $params->get('buttons') == '1' ) {


Edit: Fixed typo pointed out by paolod; 0 should be 1
paolod 16 Aug, 2010
if ( $params->get('buttons') == '1' ) {

not 0.
It functions, but now:

1) it doesn't display the "On Submit code - after sending email" (a simple thank you page, indeed, but it is needed also).
2) it doesn't save data to the database (WORST).

Also, quite unuseful and ask for replacement strings for "Submit" and "Back" button, since "Submit" and "Back" are cabled in code in the "if buttons = 1" branch, don't you think?
nml375 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,
1&2: These would suggest that the "confirm" form input does not have the value of the submit-button as believed by the plugin. Try adding "Submit" into the "submit button value" setting - just in case the default value isn't picked up.

Regarding the "submit button value", this was probably intended to be used in the case that the user choose to add their own confirm/back buttons, rather than using the "add buttons" option. I would say the tooltip could be more informative, or that the entered values should also be used in the "add buttons" code.

paolod 16 Aug, 2010
REALLY NICE suggest!
It does function, THANK YOU!
Anyway, I tried cabling in code localized version of "Submit" and "Back" words, and it functions.
I believe it's quite simple and add a bit of PHP code getting parameters from configuration; indeed, I tried with both
$params->get('submit_button_value', 'Submit')


but neither function.
Any other parameter to suggest?

Do you believe you can easily package this modifications, so one has not and take in a repository "Hey, after installing, replace this and this"?
GreyHead 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,

I'm sorry, my mistake.

I think that there is a fixed version of the Confirmation Page plugin somewhere. The current one has some major problems.

paolod 16 Aug, 2010
Well, if you find correct version, post URL please🙂
nml375 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,
The $params->get('submit_button_value', 'Submit') method should work, unless I'm overlooking something.

Do you believe you can easily package this modifications, so one has not and take in a repository "Hey, after installing, replace this and this"?

As I am not the author of neither ChronoForms nor the Confirmation CFPlugin, that is not up to me. Max is the Author of CF, so it's ultimately up to him to post updated versions of the software suite.

paolod 16 Aug, 2010
It DOESN'T function.
GreyHead 16 Aug, 2010
Hi paolod,

One fixed version is here. The first part of the thread is looking at the same problems as you are seeing here.

nml375 16 Aug, 2010
Hmm... Just tested myself, and works just fine here. This is the edited code I used:
            <div class="form_element cf_button">
            	<input type="submit" name="confirm" value="<? echo trim($params->get('submit_button_value', 'Submit')); ?>"/>
                <input type="submit" name="confirm" value="<? echo trim($params->get('back_button_value', 'Back')); ?>"/>

Could you try adding a print_r($params) in that part of the code, and see what kind of object you've got in $params?

paolod 18 Aug, 2010
It functions perfectly, I just forgot and put "echo"😀
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