
"com_chronocontact" is not in the allowed components list

cliff kovacs 14 Aug, 2010
I get this message when I try to access any of the option in the compontent list

403: Access Forbidden

"com_chronocontact" is not in the allowed components list.

does anyone know how to fix it.
GreyHead 14 Aug, 2010
Hi cliff kovacs,

No idea. It's not a ChronoForms error. I Googled it and found one recent mention on the Joomla forums for a different component - but no answer.

cliff kovacs 16 Aug, 2010
I seem to be the only one with this error, ever, my web design people cant fix it either.
GreyHead 16 Aug, 2010
Hi cliff kovacs,

I've just done s search through a standard Joomla installation for the text "not in the allowed components list" and it doesn't appear to be in any of the files. Do you have any other extensions that might be trying to manage this?

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