
couple of problems unknown reasons

silentvoice84 11 Aug, 2010

First i would like to thank you for the great work on this form, everything was going well until suddenly the forms stopped doing the following:

1- I submit the form, but I don't receive any emails - I used to get them before-
2- After Submit Text wont show anymore
3- The redirection doesn't work after the end of submitting.

I'm not sure how this did happen, I was working on fixing the "file upload" but i don't think it has anything to do with my POST function.

Can help me with this please ?

thank you
GreyHead 11 Aug, 2010
Hi silentvoice84,

Pretty much impossible to say without seeing the form code. Sounds like you changed one of the settings somewhere while working on the file upload code.

silentvoice84 13 Aug, 2010
Hey Grey thank you for the reply,
I have created a new form and sent an email with it, it works but the old one still unable to receive anything from it even I'm using the same settings in both.

here is the following link for the form I'm talking about

Also I want to ask, is there away to add the form to an article ?

thanks again for help
GreyHead 14 Aug, 2010
Hi silentvoice84,

The form code looks fine. Hard to say anything more without seeing the debug report.

Use the ChronoForms Plug-in/Mambot to show the form in an article.

silentvoice84 16 Aug, 2010
I'm very great full Bob, I'll reform the forms and try again.

Other questions if possible, can there be auto generated link to the files which were uploaded to via the forms to be sent in the email?

also is there way to send an email to the applicant that the website received his/her email ?

thank you again🙂
GreyHead 18 Aug, 2010
Hi silentvoice84,

can there be auto generated link to the files which were uploaded to via the forms to be sent in the email?

It's simple to attach the files to the email; a little more complicated to add links - but it is possible*. Use this code to get the file path and convert it into a url
$MyUploads =& CFUploads::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
$file_path = $MyUploads->attachments[file_1];
$file_url = substr($file_path, strlen(JPATH_SITE)+1);
$file_url = str_replace(DS, '/', $file_url);
$file_url = JURI::base().$file_url;
JRequest::setVar('file_url', $file_url);

also is there way to send an email to the applicant that the website received his/her email ?

Yes, use a Dynamic To element in the Email Setup**


* The full recipe is in Chapter 8 of the ChronoForms book.

** And this one is in Chapter 2
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