The reason for this is that I want to use the joomla username as the primary (unique) key in the table.
When I leave all the default values there and try and make the username the unique key (instead of cf_id)the table won't create.
Error while creating table :Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key SQL=CREATE TABLE `jos_chronoforms_form_Year8To9_options` (`cf_id` INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `uid` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `recordtime` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ipaddress` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `cf_user_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Art` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Drama` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Music` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ESOL` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Numeracy` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Moari` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `French` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Japanese` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Literacy` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Technology` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `FoodTechnology` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Graphics` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Username`)) ENGINE = MYISAM ;