
Tooltips and J! 1.5.20

Phil91 03 Aug, 2010
Hi Bob,

Been a while since my last post..Things were working just fine

Just figured recently that the tooltips no longer display on my form, with IE or FF...
Was wondering whether it could come from the latest update to Joomla 1.5.20...Any idea?

Looked at the page code which sems ok to me, unless the css has gone crazy somewhere?

Page is


GreyHead 03 Aug, 2010
Hi Philippe,

It loks as though you've upgraded to Joomla 1.5.20 and enabled the MooTools Upgrade plugin. That will break pretty much all the scripts in ChronoForms which is written for MooTools 1.1 not 1.2

Phil91 08 Aug, 2010

You're great! I knew it but it shows everytime...Did not know that this plugin was enabled...Don't even know why I got it installed...

Thanks for this,


GreyHead 08 Aug, 2010
Degemer mad Philippe,

The plugin is included in Jooma 1.5.20 - though Max and some other deelopers argued against it until 1.6.

It should be disabled by default (and is in a fresh installation) seems not necessarily so in the upgrades.

Phil91 10 Aug, 2010
BTW, how are you guys coming along with 1.6?
Not that I have always been vying for it, but just for my own sake🙂

GreyHead 10 Aug, 2010
Hi Philippe,

Overall I don't know. I do know that Max has a lot of code chunks written for 1.6 (or rather for MooTools 1.2) but not sure how the whole project is. Max doesn't say much before he is ready to release.

paxman 04 Dec, 2010
Many newer templates/updates/content systems such as YooTheme and Zoo are requiring the MooTools Upgrade Plugin to be activated. Any word on if and when an update will come for ChronoForms to address this breaking of tooltips and realtime validation? Thanks for any update or solution...
GreyHead 04 Dec, 2010
Hi paxman,

There's been a fix for the front-end since Joomla 1.5.19 was released. Nothing for the back-end yet though.

ryscript 14 Dec, 2010
Also seems that the form does not validate my input data.😟

tried to put jQuery.noConflict(); but no luck.

GreyHead 14 Dec, 2010
Hi ryscript,

If you view the form without the template you will see that the validation is working OK.

Your template (or some other component) is loading two different versions of the jQuery JavaScript library. Out of the box jQuery isn't compatible with the MooTools library used by Joomla! and ChronoForms. You can use jQuery with MooTools in no-conflict mode. There are various ways of doing this. The simplest is to add a line of script in the ChronoForms Form JavaScript box:
This will free the $ operator which is used by MooTools, so you may need to update your own javascripts to use the longer jQuery operator.

There is also a neat Joomla! system plugin named SC jQuery that allows you to control on which pages jQuery is loaded, and will always load it in no-conflict mode.

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