
email verification

sunman4008 02 Aug, 2010

I can't find the instructions on how to setup for email verification. I want to create a registration forum that does an email verification before it accepts them. I see the email settings, etc for the email verification but not sure how to set it up. For example, what you put in the TO field? Is it like text11, which is the email field? How about from? What is the code for my email address?

What codes are for onsubmit?

GreyHead 03 Aug, 2010
Hi Manesh,

Please check the ToolTips for the boxes. You probably want to use Dynamic To and enter the name of the email input in the form.

sunman4008 09 Aug, 2010

I got the email to work finally without the email verification module.

Now, I have to get the email verification to work. Right now, I have the following set to:
To: [email][/email]
Dynamic To: [email][/email]
Subject: Video Registation
From Name: Admin
From Email: [email][/email]

The registration information from the form is being to sent to [email][/email] which is perfect. When I enable the email verification plugin, I need to set one of the fields to the user's email. Which field will that be? Once that is done, will it send me an email after verification or before.

What I would like to do is the following:
1. User fills out the form
2. Email verification (sent them a email in which they have to click to confirm)
3. Insert into the database
4. Email me the user info


enounce 18 Aug, 2010
I'm working on the same type of thing.

On the Plugin Email page, you want to leave the "To" field blank and use the DynamicTo field as the address entered by your user. Then in the Email Message box add your verification message, something like: "Click this link to verify your email address." and then include {vlink} somewhere in the email.

My problem is that the {vlink} takes me back to a new form instead of completing the form they had started. The vlink url looks like:

Notice how the uid= param on the query string is empty. My guess is that is part of the problem.

The other thing is I'm trying this on my internal test site which is not the validated domain and I wonder if that has anything to do with the plugin not working properly.
GreyHead 19 Aug, 2010
Hi enounce,

It looks as though the Plugin isn't configured correctly. It should save a record to the database table you specified and add the uid of that record to the vlink so that it can be checked after the link is clicked.

the_fitz 03 Oct, 2010
Hi all,
First, Thank You to GreyHead. You are the best. Your support is top flight!

My stupid issue. I have searched all postings about email verification and I can find my issue, but not the solution.

I have everything working but the {vlink} returns without a uid???!!!

You had answered this previously, stating that the plugin was setup incorrectly.

In the dbconnect section I have selected the jml_users db and the block field. I get the email, so that seems right. I have no entries in the "onsubmit" code tab, is that what I am missing????

It seems that I have it setup correctly??? The db's are getting populated both the jml_users table and, the one I created, the jml_chronoforms_registration table. What could I be missing.

I am usually pretty good at figuring this kind of stuff out, but I am stuck!

Again, that you all, in advance, for any help that can be provided.

I am a professional nub.

GreyHead 04 Oct, 2010
Hi the_fitz,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 24 Feb, 2011
Hi jmarian,

When you say a new form -- you mean the same from but with empty fields?

It's up to you to code how you want to handle the response.

Typically you check the URL to see if a uid is included and if it is you display an appropriate response.

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