
Captcha Fails First Time Everytime !!!!!

puressence73 01 Aug, 2010
Hi Guys,

First of all I have found ChronoForms to be excellent. However, I have one problem that I cannot resolve no matter what I try.

I have added Captcha to my form, but it incorrectly fails the verification key the first time it is entered. No matter how many time I reload the form with a cleared cache the first time the form is submitted it fails. I have taken great care entering the Captcha key to ensure it is not human error.

The second time the data is added to the form it works perfectly. I have only found one similar post, but the thread was hijacked and the solution was never posted.

Please try yourself if it helps to diagnose the problem:-

I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2010
Hi puressence73,

It seems to submit pretty normally from here. Three out of four first time, and I think the fourth was my fault.

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