
ChronoConnectivity Frontend Sorting

customhost 31 Jul, 2010
Hi all,

just thought this could be useful for anybody.

I have enhanced the latest ChronoConnectivity Version 2 RC3 with the capability of frontend sorting. You can now sort all your database entries with just a single mouse click.

Feedback is greatly appreciated.


EDIT 1 (01.08.2010): Updated the attachment with a bug fixed version (corrected AJAX callback)
EDIT 2 (01.08.2010): Added the capability of a frontend edit ID other than the primary key
EDIT 3 (03.08.2010): Fixed a bug regarding the pagination
mod911 03 Aug, 2010
I downloaded and installed your version. I set frontend sorting to yes, selected the fields, etc....but nothing happened to my table. The table column names are not clickable for sorting.

Do you have instructions how to configure the sorting? or do I have to put additional codes on the header, body, footer, SQL box, etc?

Please reply.

customhost 04 Aug, 2010
Hi "mod911",

actually the frontend sorting should be easy to do:

Let's say you want to connect the table "jos_content" with ChronoConnectivity and that you want to show the fields "ID, title, state", then you would simply select these columns in the FrontEnd Settings and enter the appropriate DataView Column Titles, e.g. "ID, Name, Published". Afterwards, just enter "{sorting}" in the head section of the ChronoConnectivity code, and "{id}, {title}, {state}" in the body section.

That should actually be it. You should now be able to use the frontend sorting.

mod911 06 Aug, 2010
Dear Eric,

Yeah, it works for me now! But I noticed, it gives duplicate data link names (pls see attached screen shot). Is it possible to have my existing Column Titles to be "clickable" for sorting instead? How?

customhost 06 Aug, 2010
Dear "mod911",

I actually do not know how you created your previous column titles but modifying them to be clikable would be a bit difficult, I think.

What you can do instead is to style the frontend sorting to look just like your own one. For this purpose, every ordering column is wrapped in a separated DIV container with a shared class name "sorting" and a unique class name according to the column name (e.g. "id", "title" etc).
You can check out the actual class names by using external tools like FireBug.

Hope this helps ...

mod911 07 Aug, 2010
Thanks Eric, I appreciate your help!
customhost 07 Aug, 2010

Thanks Eric, I appreciate your help!

Not a problem at all - I'm glad to help😉
So did it finally work out properly for you?

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