
Automatic Publish of an Article

giorgos147 28 Jul, 2010
Hi again!
I'm George.

I have a form, and I want to automatically embed the informations that the user sent me into an article. Every time, I want ChronoForms make a new article, into the same category.
For those who know, I am using Gavick's Tab Manager, and I want to have a place where I want to have some events, but I don't want to do it with my hands, but I want them to be submitted automatically.

Can I do this?

Thanks very much!


P.S. Sorry for my English.
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2010
Hi giorgos147 ,

ChronoForms has a submit_content form that you can get from the Downloads area here. This is designed to turn form input into an article. Also search here on 'submit_content' for several threads on using the form.

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