
Multi-Page form emails

twolf1975 27 Jul, 2010
Ok. This may be a "Chrono-Newbie" error. But I am at wits end about it. I have searched this forum but have not found a solution yet. I'm sure it is something simple I am overlooking but still..

The Plan:

I have created a Multi-Page online application with 4 steps. So therefore I have a 'mother' page with 4 child pages. I need the user entered data to be sent to our HR department via email.

The problem:
I am not recieving emails after walking through the all the steps of the application.

What I know for sure:
*Emails are ENABLED and setup correctly (To, Subject, Dynamic From Name, and Dynamic From Email) on the mother form only. This is under the General and the Email tab.
*The Multipage plugin is enabled on the Mother form ONLY.
* The 4 Child pages are listed in the "Step form names" field on the Mother config page. They are spelled out correctly and are separated by a comma with NO spaces. Walking through the steps works as it is supposed to.
*The Finalize button is listed "button_7" which is the name of the final "Submit" button on the final step page.
*The Child forms work as they are supposed to if they are not part of the Multi-page form.
*I do NOT have a DB set up as I don't need to save the information, only need an email of the field data from each form.

Any help or nudge in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.
darkchild 27 Jul, 2010
Hi there,

I have a very similar problem so i am hoping that we can both get an answer🙂.

Basically i have created a 7 page multi-page form. This works fine. For the purposes of testing however i created a motherform and a 2 test child forms (named test1 and test2).

My problem is not that i am not receiving emails but that i am getting 3 emails for each completed form (i.e blank email for mother, an email for test1 form and an email for test2).

What i would like is to have just one email with the info of test1 and test2.

List of things i have done:

In the motherform multipage plugin i have set number of steps to 2 and test1,test2 as step form names.

Finalise button is called 'Done' which is the final button on the test2 form.

I have enabled emails in the mother, test1 and test2 form. I think this is where i am going wrong. All emails are set to yes and everything has enabled=1.

I have not enabled save to DB at all as i just want the email of a completed form set to an email address.

Help is appreciated🙂.
darkchild 27 Jul, 2010
hmm making some progress twolf. what i did was copy and paste the email templates from test1 and test2 into the motherform email template. I then disabled all emails in test1 and test2.

I am now getting a single email. However there is a problem...

This is just a test!
Name sasdfsadfsafs
Age [email][/email]
Nearly finished the test!
Email [email][/email]

As you can see the age and email are outputting the same info. I think this is because of the following (below is the mother email template):

This is just a test!
Name {text_0}
Age {text_1}
Nearly finished the test!
Email {text_1}

The age from test1 and the email from test2 both have the same text value. I am guessing that to fix this i would have to go into test2 and change the value for the email. I will give this a shot now. If it works it means i have to go back and edit my original 7 page form that i had done. A lot of work but live and learn eh. At least for the future i know to edit the values as i go along. I'll update if i get it working.
darkchild 27 Jul, 2010
This is just a test!
Name Stu
Age 28
Nearly finished the test!
Email [email][/email]

yay🙂 it worked. all i did was go into the motherform and edit the email template so that it said this:

This is just a test!
Name {text_0}
Age {text_1}
Nearly finished the test!
Email {text_2}

As you can see all i did was change the Email {text_1} to Email {text_2}. i then went into test2 and changed the text value for email to text_2.

As anyone who is reading it can guess i am a complete joomla noob but it was satisfying figuring this out. I guess i now have to work on the editting the values for my main form and creating a nice email template.

I do have a final question regarding what happens if a user wants to go back to a previous page but that can wait for later. I'll get everything up and running first.

Thanks to the creators of this great form extension. Ill be validating/subscribing as soon as i have finished my main form.
twolf1975 27 Jul, 2010
Ok darkchild, I'm going to try tweaking the email template and see if that works. Will let you know. Thanks for the assist.
twolf1975 27 Jul, 2010
Well, that didn't work. kinda had a feeling it might not, but I am willing to try just about anything now. I been learning and fighting with this thing for about a week now and have almost got it. Just this one little glitch. I don't want to have to go back and start over fresh on it, but I got a feeling that may be what happens. Thanks again for your help.
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2010

It sounds as though you've solved this; as you've found you need to use distinct input names so that they don't over-write earlier inputs.

twolf1975 27 Jul, 2010
No. It wasn't solved. Still can't get an email sent from the Mother in Multi-Page.
twolf1975 28 Jul, 2010
Ok, so here's what I have so far. The Multipage WILL send an email, but ONLY if all forms are set to DEBUG ON. While this is a great development tool. It's not something I want the people filling out the form to see. Any ideas?
GreyHead 29 Jul, 2010
Hi twolf1975,

Hard to say. do you have ReDirect URLs set for any of the Child forms? I can't think of any other process steps tht change when debug is on.

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