
Imageverification / Anti-spam and Internet Explorer 8

eglescout 22 Jul, 2010
I like the Anti-spam feature of ChronoForms, but I've been running into trouble with it.

I can not submit a form with the anti-spam when I use Internet Explorer 8. It works fine in Google Chrome and Firefox. (I'd assume Safari too because Chrome and Safari share the same engine.) My OS is Windows 7 64bit.

My guess is that IE8 is changing some part of the anti-spam form element as it posts it. I haven't been able to dive into finding out what it's actually submitting. I seem to remember that earlier versions of IE changed the names of submit buttons to the value of the submit buttons. Maybe something like that is happening here. Here's a test form you can try:

In the meantime, I've switched out to the ReCaptcha plugin. I'm so glad you all have included options - I need Internet Explorer users to able to submit our forms!
Michael Rupkalvis 22 Jul, 2010
I too like the anti-spam features of Chronos. I find that many of the other anti spam devices very frustrating to use. I have problems trying to discern whether or not a character is capitilized or not.
GreyHead 22 Jul, 2010
Hi eglescout ,

A little odd, it appears to submit OK from IE8 if you add &tmpl=component to the URL and display the form without the component.

Usually this is a aymptom of a JavaScript problem - but there isn’t any script in use here that I can see.

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