I used the forum search function but did not find anything similar...
I use Chronoforms 3.1 RC5.5. I have several forms on our website which work flawlessy, but one of them gives problems in the administration section.
When I try to save the form after some changes, or even try to save it after opening and without any changes via the "Save" button, I have the "Component not found - error 404" Joomla error.
I noticed that the problem started appearing after I continued to add php code in "form code" tag: in the section "Form html" there are almost 400 php lines, and more than 600 lines in "On submit code - before sending email". At a certain point, the form stopped working, meaning I could not save it anymore, so I think this might depend on the quantity of text to save in jos_chrono_contact fields.
Note that, if I access the DB directly - I mean editing jos_chrono_contact table directly, changing php code in fields "html" and "onsubmitcodeb4" - the component works perfectly and acts as it should, and the php code does it job fine.
EDIT: Joomla v. is 1.5.18, but the problem is still there with 1.5.19. It happened also with previous releases, starting from 1.5.15
Thank you in advance
I used the forum search function but did not find anything similar...
I use Chronoforms 3.1 RC5.5. I have several forms on our website which work flawlessy, but one of them gives problems in the administration section.
When I try to save the form after some changes, or even try to save it after opening and without any changes via the "Save" button, I have the "Component not found - error 404" Joomla error.
I noticed that the problem started appearing after I continued to add php code in "form code" tag: in the section "Form html" there are almost 400 php lines, and more than 600 lines in "On submit code - before sending email". At a certain point, the form stopped working, meaning I could not save it anymore, so I think this might depend on the quantity of text to save in jos_chrono_contact fields.
Note that, if I access the DB directly - I mean editing jos_chrono_contact table directly, changing php code in fields "html" and "onsubmitcodeb4" - the component works perfectly and acts as it should, and the php code does it job fine.
EDIT: Joomla v. is 1.5.18, but the problem is still there with 1.5.19. It happened also with previous releases, starting from 1.5.15
Thank you in advance