
Link drop-down List to calendar

magikweb 19 Jul, 2010
Hi all, first of all let me express my thanks to the team who developped this amazing component. You did really a great job.
I have question if someone could help me that would be great.
I want to link a drop down list to my calendar. Let me explain myself.
I use this component to generate forms for a restaurant booking system. The process is very simple
The user choose
1) a date
2) a hour to book a table in one of our restaurants
The problem is that during the week end the opening hour are not the same as the week days. So the idea is to populate a drop dow list for the hour according to the selected day. If the user choose a week day the drop down list will populate hours like 12h00, 12h30, 13h00 and if he selected a saturday or sunday, this will populate hours like 13h00, 13h30, 14h00
Thank you so much for your reply!!
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2010
Hi MagikWeb ,

The simplest way to do this will be to add some JavaScript that run when the date changes and either change the option list or hide some of the options. Not too difficult - except that dates are always tricky.

magikweb 19 Jul, 2010
Hi BoB,
thank you for your reply.
Could you please give a lead on this because i do not know how i can implement such a code.
Have a nice one!
Magik Web
magikweb 21 Sep, 2010
Does anyone know how to code this?
I can pay according to the time you are going to spend on this code.
thank for your reply
And Have a good day!
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