
Help with Email Verification Link

florinpojum 18 Jul, 2010
Hello folks,

First I want to Thank You for everything!
I spent some time on the forums getting my joomla registration form working. The form looks good, but with the Email Verification plugin enabled, when I click on the {vlink} from the confirmation email, the other emails I configured with Chronoform Wizard are sent.

I'm using Joomla version 1.5.17 and the ChronoForms V 3.1 RC5.
If someone can help please reply.
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2010
Hi florinpojum,

I think that is how it is supposed to work.

florinpojum 19 Jul, 2010
Hi Bob,

Thanks for your fast reply, I have a simple form, with checkbox (I'm using the enable/disable function in the On Submit code - before sending email box) so this email should be sent only if the user click on the checkbox, but with email verification plugin enabled, once the user click on the {vlink} the form keep sending the "undesirable" email😟 .

Do you have any idea how to solve this?
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