
Display Messages above Form or Ajax

eyashwant 16 Jul, 2010

This is really working great, but unlike wordpress, it misses simple message display part.

I want to get either of 3 things working & for that I need help from dear forum friends please :

1) Form works in Ajax. Entered, Submitted, Ajax Saved, Message Thanks displayed above form.
2) Form on submissions says thanks message on TOP of the same Page.
3) Form on submissions says thanks message on TOP of form.

I know it has ability to redirect to another page or display message in separate page, but I prefer any of these. Help me.

eyashwant - AIM, Skype, Gmail, Jabber
eyashwant_1000 - Yahoo
[email][/email] - MSN

Contact me here if you want to access my admin panel.

GreyHead 17 Jul, 2010
Hi eyashwant,

You can do any of these using a system message to display the message on the next page (if your
template suports Joomla system messages).

Or you can add a message to the beginning of the Form HTML and use some PHP to only show it after the form has been submitted using some test in the form data. This will work if you put the page URL into the ReDirect URL of the form.

eyashwant 17 Jul, 2010
Hello Admin,

I know how to display Joomla system message in next page. But I want in same page.

So can you give me the code for the PHP you are telling about please?

I guess everyone here needs this, Can you make one for us all?

Let me know, Thanks!
GreyHead 17 Jul, 2010
Hi eyashwant,

Hmm . . . the system message shows on the next page displayed. If you redisplay the form then it will be there above the form.

eyashwant 19 Jul, 2010
Thanks. Fixed. Is it possible to make things in ajax?
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2010
Hi eyashwant ,

Yes, MooTools has quite good Ajax support and you can use the Extra Code boxes in ChronoForms to generate results.

eyashwant 19 Jul, 2010
Hello, Sorry to ask you this again, can you tell me what excatly I have to add in there to make ajax work in chrono forms?
GreyHead 19 Jul, 2010
Hi eyashwant,

I'm sorry, that's not a five minute answer.

eyashwant 19 Jul, 2010
Thanks. Where else can i get help regarding this?
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