I am hoping someone here can help me.
I have been working on this for the greater part of two days, and I am at a loss of what could be causing this issue.
I have a form which contains static fields and js generated drop-downs based on the category. When a user selected an item in the first drop down, a second is created through a JS function. I have the form validation working correctly thanks to a post comment by GreyHead on adding validation to fields added after page load, but when I press submit, the form tries to submit and is redirected to a 404 - Component can not be found. I am using the SEF plugin released with joomla 1.5, but no other sef components. I have tried turning this off, and also tried uploading a fresh set of component files to see if the culprit was a corrupt file, but no improvement.
I have noticed that the form works correctly when I remove the function to generate the second drop down. This is only a proof of concept to show, but eventually will be database driven; at that point, I will convert to AJAX. Here is the JS code I am working with (sorry for any messy code, as this is still in the works)
Here is the url to the form so you can see what is happening.
Thank you in advanced for any help or suggestions on a better approach.
I have been working on this for the greater part of two days, and I am at a loss of what could be causing this issue.
I have a form which contains static fields and js generated drop-downs based on the category. When a user selected an item in the first drop down, a second is created through a JS function. I have the form validation working correctly thanks to a post comment by GreyHead on adding validation to fields added after page load, but when I press submit, the form tries to submit and is redirected to a 404 - Component can not be found. I am using the SEF plugin released with joomla 1.5, but no other sef components. I have tried turning this off, and also tried uploading a fresh set of component files to see if the culprit was a corrupt file, but no improvement.
I have noticed that the form works correctly when I remove the function to generate the second drop down. This is only a proof of concept to show, but eventually will be database driven; at that point, I will convert to AJAX. Here is the JS code I am working with (sorry for any messy code, as this is still in the works)
//Abstract selection object
function selectionObject()
this.title = "Must be renamed";
this.emails = "***";
this.content = "This is the default Content, must be replaced";
var option1 = new selectionObject();
option1.content = "<select name=\"option\" id=\"option\" class=\"\" >"+
"<option value=''>Select a Class</option>"+
"<option value='General Knowledge'>Fire Fighter I & II: General Knowledge</option>"+
"<option value='Response'>Fire Fighter I & II: Response</option>"+
"<option value='Fundamentals of Fire Fighting'>Fire Fighter I & II: Fundamentals of Fire Fighting</option>"+
"<option value='Initial Attack Skills'>Fire Fighter I & II: Initial Attack Skills</option>"+
"<option value='Tactical Support Skills'>Fire Fighter I & II: Tactical Support Skills</option>"+
"<option value='Water Supply & Hose'>Fire Fighter I & II: Water Supply & Hose</option>"+
"<option value='Suppression'>Fire Fighter I & II: Suppression</option>"+
"<option value='Fight Fire Smart'>Fire Fighter I & II: Fight Fire Smart</option>"+
"<option value='EMS - Vehicle Rescue'>Fire Fighter I & II: EMS - Vehicle Rescue</option>"+
"<option value='Introduction to Haz Mat'>Fire Fighter I & II: Introduction to Haz Mat</option>"+
"<option value='Response to Haz Mat'>Fire Fighter I & II: Response to Haz Mat</option>"+
"<option value='Haz Mat Decon'>Fire Fighter I & II: Haz Mat Decon</option>"+
"<option value='Basic Fire School'>Basic Fire School (BFS)</option>"+
"<option value='Basic Fire Pump Operation'>Basic Fire Pump Operation (Pumps I)</option>"+
"<option value='Emergency Vehicle Operators Course'>Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC)</option>"+
"<option value='Fire Instructor I & II'>Fire Instructor I & II</option>"+
"<option value='Haz Mat Awareness & Operations'>Haz Mat Awareness & Operations</option>"+
option1.title = "Request to schedule Training Course Delivery";
//option1.emails += "***";
var option2 = new selectionObject();
option2.content = "<select name=\"option\" class=\"\" id=\"option\">"+
"<option value=''>Select a Trailer</option>"+
"<option>Air Trailer</option>"+
"<option>EVOC Trailer</option>"+
"<option>Haz Mat Ops</option>"+
"<option>Friction Force Door Trailer</option>"+
" </select>";
option2.title = "Training Trailers, Equipment, and Training Props";
//option2.emails += "***";
var option3 = new selectionObject();
option3.content = "<select name=\"option\" id=\"option\" class=\"\" >"+
"<option value=''>Select a Trailer</option>"+
"<option>Mobile Alarm Sprinkler Trailer (MAST)</option>"+
"<option>Driving Emergency Vehicle Simulator(DEVS)</option>"+
" </select>";
option3.title = "Specialty Mobile Trailers";
//option3.emails += "***";
var option4 = new selectionObject();
option4.content = "<select name=\"option\" id=\"option\" class=\"\" >"+
"<option value=''>Select a County</option>"+
option4.title = "Request for Visit or Contact from a Training Program Manager";
//option4.emails += "***";
var option5 = new selectionObject();
option5.content = "<a href='http://www.mfte.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15&Itemid=22'>MFTE Courses</a><br /><br />"+
"<label>Please describe the information you are requesting:</label><textarea name='comments' rows='5' cols='70'></textarea>";
option5.title = "Information on MFT&E Programs";
//option5.emails += "***";
var option6 = new selectionObject();
option6.content = "<select name=\"option\" id=\"option\" class=\"\" >"+
"<option value=''>Select a Certificate</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Fighter I</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Fighter II</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Instructor I</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Instructor II</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Officer I</option>"+
"<option>Request copy of Fire Officer II</option>"+
"<option>Rockers & Patches</option>"+
option6.title = "Certification Testing";
//option6.emails += "***";
var option7 = new selectionObject();
option7.content = "<label>Please describe the information you are requesting:</label><textarea name='comments' rows='5' cols='70'></textarea>";
option7.title = "General Inquiries";
//option7.emails += "***";
var option8 = new selectionObject();
option8.content = "<a href='http://www.mfte.org'>Visit Frequently Asked Questions</a>";
option8.title = "FAQ's";
var _divID;
function updateDiv(value, divID)
_divID = divID;
var option = parseInt(value);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
function setContent(contentObj)
document.getElementById('optionFields').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById(_divID).innerHTML = contentObj.content;
document.getElementById('optionTitle').innerHTML = contentObj.title;
document.getElementById('emails').value = contentObj.emails;
var option_val = new LiveValidation('option', {validMessage: ''});
option_val.add(Validate.Selection,{failureMessage: 'Failed! Need to make a selection.'});
function removeContent()
document.getElementById('optionFields').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(_divID).innerHTML = "";
Here is the url to the form so you can see what is happening.
Thank you in advanced for any help or suggestions on a better approach.