
Setting up send confirmation message

scottshort 13 Jul, 2010
Hello, How do I set up a basic confirmation message? Right now when I hit send, I end up with my basic web page [menus and all] but in article space all is blank. No confirmation that form was sucessfully sent and no "thank you". How do I set this up?

I liked that when debug is on, I could see a copy form that was sent. When i turn off debug, now i get a blank screen.

I have successfully set up simple form and it is emailing correctly with regular Captcha working. [The steps to install ReCaptcha are a bit daunting for ReCaptcha worth the effort over Captcha?] Sorry - Tried searching forum for this first but came up empty. Just installed latest version 3.1 rc5.5. FYI i am a newbie with no coding experience but have [to this point] managed to build our website.

GreyHead 13 Jul, 2010
Hi scottshort,

To show a thank you message add any HTML (or HTML + PHP) you like to the OnSubmit After box; or use the ReDirect URL to send the user to another page.

Don't use ReCaptcha unless you need it becasue there is some problem with the standard Captcha on your site.

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