
Anyone know how to just add 1 more field to Registration?

orionstarman 09 Jul, 2010
I've searched all threads and managed bits and pieces.

I have no problem getting the Joomla Registration plugin working, but have spent hours on just trying to add an extra field to the form. For tests I made a field called
"Fave Color" to add.

What I had done so far:
Using the Joomla Forms Page I had created and added a new field called "Color' which was assigned text_15
1) I go to my form in Forms Manager , check its checkbox
2) Click on Profile page
Under Configure Profile Table plugin
Table Name : ( a new table I created call chrono_reg where a column called ID had been made to match the Joomla Reg Form I gather ) I do not know how thee tables get rea;ated behind the plugin code.
Target Field Name would be : ID
Request parameter name : ID
Enable Data Storage : yes
Tablename : I choose both jos_chrono_reg and jos_users
Saving Data : Before Email

Extra dataview colums : Color
main view record: Record #n

When I submit, I get the default Joomla Reg info into the Users table but I get nothing ( in this case the color field )in the chrono_reg table.

The error I get after I submit is:
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/ on line 540

I know I am missing something here and I have really tried my hardest to make sense of it. I promise good karma for their kind assistance.

How do I do this so that I get the form "Fave color" added?

Thanks in advance.
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2010
Hi orionstarman,

The error message says that something is wrong with a MySQL query.

Turn on Site Debug temporarily (from the Site |Global Configuration settings) then submit the form. A list of MySQL queries should be shown at the bottom of the page. Look for the one(s) writing to your tables and check the queries carefully to se what the error is.

orionstarman 09 Jul, 2010
Hello Bob,

I turned on debug and I unfortunately did not get any more information than before.

Is there by and chance a tutorial of sorts on how to just add one more filed to the Joomla Registration Form?

I can't seem to see where it is that I :
1) Tell the pkugin where to "join the 2 tables together. ( The user table and the designated table )
2) How to tell the form to place the new field ( i.e. "color" ) into the new table ( i.e. "jos_reg".

I would sincerely appreciate any help toward the right direction.

GreyHead 10 Jul, 2010
Hi orionstarman,

I turned on debug and I unfortunately did not get any more information than before.

Hmmm . . . then your template presumably doesn't have a 'debug' module :-( You can always switch to a 'standard' module to test.

Sorry, no tutorial for this yet.

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