
save generated email in database for later retrieval

RichardC 06 Jul, 2010
I'm currently evaluating CF and so far I'm struggling my way thru :-)
I would like to setup a basic contact form (for most here trivial I guess) and I would like to save the resulting email (as html-displayable code) in the db. So if the user receives the email but is unable to view it correctly (mail client issue or the like) I'd like to give him a link/url where he could view the message sent. This user is NOT a Joomla user though so no way of logging in to Joomla.
There might be an easy setup for this but I couldn't really find in in the forums and the documentation(??) does not help.
Any thoughts?
Thank you
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2010
Hi RichardC,

Rather than save the Email HTML you could save the posted data and then reconstruct the email using the Profile Plugin. You can copy and paste over the Email Template code and link the profile to the saved data.

RichardC 07 Jul, 2010
Hi Bob,

thank you for your reply.
To be honest I don't know (yet) how to achieve what you are suggesting. I'm new to Joomla an CF.
But I think I will find out :-)

OTOH, come to think of it I believe my request is the wrong approach anyway since this way I would open a view to an email someone sent via my contact form to potentially everyone. But in your post you're already mentioning "link the profile" which I believe implies that the viewer has to login in order to view the data.

GreyHead 07 Jul, 2010
Hi RichardC,

If you don't want to register users then it is tricky to show private information publicly. You cna create a link with a random identifier for them to go to (this is how the Joomla Email Validation works) then the chance of some-one stumbling across it is very slim. You could also make it disappear after a period of time.

RichardC 07 Jul, 2010
Hi Bob

great idea. I'll dig into this later (and may it just be for learning :-))
At the moment I think it's just to steep for me and it would be only for those poor guys whose email client wouldn't be able to view the email CF sent to them as response to their using my contactform :-)
Thanks anyway
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