
Problem with my form SOS

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
Hi i have a problem with my form that i thought it was working .

I tested yesterday and i noticed it is not working.
I have Email the results ? set to YES and at setup emails i have them all enabled
At Forms managment it is shown ok that email is enabled

At front end i press submit and the form does nothing .

Can i have some help on that?
GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi webbuilders,

Please turn debug on in the form General Tab, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
I have done that already but i get no code when submit the form .. no action at all i would say..

Hi webbuilders,

Please turn debug on in the form General Tab, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.


GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi webbuilders,

Pleass post a link to the form here so we can take a look.

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
I have send it via PM

Hi webbuilders,

Pleass post a link to the form here so we can take a look.


GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi webbuilders,

The form has no action. Do you have an entry in the OnSubmit URL box?

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
At general tab "Form URLs" is empty also at Form code "On Submit code" i also empty

the submit html code is
<div class="form_item">
<div class="form_element cf_button"><input value="Submit" name="undefined" type="submit"/></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

Hi webbuilders,

The form has no action. Do you have an entry in the OnSubmit URL box?


GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi webbuilders ,

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager Toolbar and send it to me. Thanks.

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
I have sent it .. the problem is that i have this problem to an other form too...
It may be something more general
GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi webbuilders,

Soemthing on your site is deleting the form action. Probably something is misconfigured in the SEF URLs. On your site the form tag is
<form action="" method="post" id="ChronoContact_contact_us" name="ChronoContact_contact_us">
When I test it on ,y local server the same line is
<form action="http://frances/joomla1.5h/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=contact_us" method="post" id="ChronoContact_contact_us" name="ChronoContact_contact_us">

webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
I have closed sh404 .. but that didnt work either...
what else may cause that problem?
webbuilders 05 Jul, 2010
I found a solution

Unistall and reinstall chronoform component

Even if it was same version it worked ..!
whodat4lyfe 05 Jul, 2010
I was having the similar problem, but your advice of uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the problem. Thanks!
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