
Inline validation not working

jpschwartz 02 Jul, 2010
Inline validation is not working at

I've set up some server-side validation to tide me over, but I'd like to get the inline variety working.
In validation settings, I've enabled validation and have entered the names of the fields in the "required" line, separated by commas. I wasn't the person who installed Joomla, the template, or Chronoforms on this site (although I did validate the license for Chronoforms). Is there possibly a problem with the js library?

Any thoughts?

GreyHead 03 Jul, 2010
Hi Jim,

Your template appears to be (a) blocking the MooTools Library from loading and (b) loading the JQuery library.

Validation is Ok on the form without the template

JQuery will work Ok with MooTools provided that is is NoConflict mode.

Jeff Gietz 24 Sep, 2010
I still don't know the cause of the problem I had (not a website I initially set up) but I worked around it by putting everything that would have been in an article into the form code, creating a menu link the had a blank template connected to it and linking that to the form through the Chronoforms component link.
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