
how to space between radio button and text

anuaromar 02 Jul, 2010
hi guys,i have create radio button..but the text of radio button is over on the radio button like the image i post on this to space between radio button and text
GreyHead 02 Jul, 2010
Hi anuaromar,

Turn of the Rok Input formatting in your template.

anuaromar 04 Jul, 2010
ok,thnks bob,its work
chuckcor 11 Jul, 2010
That's good info, but where do I find this to turn it off?

GreyHead 11 Jul, 2010
Hi CC,

I already replied to your PM (please don't double post).

It's a template setting. For your template it's under the Advanced Section called Input Styling.

chuckcor 11 Jul, 2010
Cool, that worked. Sorry about the PM. Didn't think it had gone through.
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