
Message - The form has been submitted successfully?

ihtus 01 Jul, 2010
I am new to ChronoForms.
I have installed it, and wonder how can I get a message like "The form has been submitted successfully" after the user press the submit button?
Thank you!
magicsun 01 Jul, 2010
Inside Form Management you click on the name of the form to open all the options etc.

Click on the tab "Form Code" and expand the field for "On Submit code - after sending email:
(May contain PHP code with tags)"

Fill in the text there and save it. Now when submitting a form, the text you have filled in will appear after submitting.
ihtus 01 Jul, 2010
thanks! I will try that
ihtus 01 Jul, 2010
Is it possible to have not only the message "The form has been submitted successfully", but also below the form?

I tried to put this link Redirect URL: index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=Contact_Form

And after the form is sent i see the form, but no message "The form has been submitted successfully"

If the Redirect URL field is empty, I see only the message "The form has been submitted successfully"

Is it possible to have not only the message "The form has been submitted successfully", but also below the form?

Thanks in advance!!!
GreyHead 02 Jul, 2010
Hi ihtus,

You can put the Form url in the ReDirect URL box, that will reload the form OK. You could use a system message to show a thnak you messaage - that will appear above the form though.

To get a message to appear below you could add something to the ReDirect URL like &thanks=1 and then use some conditional PHP in the Form HTML to show a message if that value is in the URL.

gpseymour 12 Jul, 2010

Inside Form Management you click on the name of the form to open all the options etc.

Click on the tab "Form Code" and expand the field for "On Submit code - after sending email:
(May contain PHP code with tags)"

Fill in the text there and save it. Now when submitting a form, the text you have filled in will appear after submitting.

Bob, it's me again.

I've inserted a simple "Thank you." message in this code field, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. What exactly should happen when they submit the form? Should they see a dialog box, or what? For now, I've just created a destination page to carry the message. You can see what I've done here:

The onsubmit (after email) is set to display a message (as well as having the destination page).
GreyHead 12 Jul, 2010
Hi gpseymour,

They will see whatever HTML + PHP you put in the OnSubmit Code boxes - unless you redirect them so some other page in which case they will see that page

gpseymour 12 Jul, 2010
OK, it sounds like my easiest answer, then, is to just use a redirect to a "thank you" page. My quick attempts at coding something failed, though I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with CF, but a problem with my understanding.
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