As u can see the first element in the table navigates to another page.I want to send the Village name to the next pageRegards,Shoaib.🙂"> Take form data to next page - Forums


Take form data to next page

shoaib 01 Jul, 2010

I am using the chronoform to display my records form database.

See the code

<h3> Compleated Projects </h3>

$result = mysql_query( "SELECT v.Village,v.Mandal,v.District,v.State,p.Estimated_Cost_Rs,p.Project_Academic_Year,DATE_FORMAT(p.Expected_Start_Date,'%m-%d-%Y') ,DATE_FORMAT(p.Expected_Complete_Date,'%m-%d-%Y') FROM Project as p JOIN Project_Location as v ON v.fabrik_internal_id = p.Village WHERE p.Activity_Name='Study Centres' AND p.Status_Id='Compleated'" )

or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
print "There are $num_rows records.<P>";
print "<table width=600 border=0>\n";
print "<th>Study Center</th>";
print "<th>Mandal</th>";
print "<th>District</th>";
print "<th>State</th>";
print "<th>Total Cost</th>";
print "<th>Academic Year</th>";
print "<th>Started On</th>";
print "<th>Compleated On</th>";
while ($get_info = mysql_fetch_row($result))

print "<tr>\n";

echo "<td>"."<a href=\""."\">".$get_info[0]."</a>"."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[1]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[2]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[3]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[4]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[5]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[6]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$get_info[7]."</td>";

print "</tr>\n";

print "</table>\n";

As u can see the first element in the table navigates to another page.
I want to send the Village name to the next page

GreyHead 01 Jul, 2010
HI shoaib,

You should be able to add it to the URL
echo "<td><a href='".$get_info[0]."'>".$get_info[0]."</a></td>";
Thenm you can recover it by getting the value of V-name from the URL in the ChronoForm.


PS I would use the 'real' URL in there, not the SEF URL.
shoaib 01 Jul, 2010

I am Using SEF But I get the value in my url as "v_name=18"

I have a problem in using it in the query.

$result = mysql_query( "SELECT  Project_Name,fabrik_internal_id,Activity_Name,Description  FROM Project where fabrik_internal_id='$v_name'")

is this the right procedure to use it.

I get the error like this

Notice: Undefined variable: v_name in /home/osmodels/public_html/subdomains/shoaib4/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.html.php(180) : eval()'d code on line 10

shoaib 02 Jul, 2010

can anyone check this thread pl.

GreyHead 02 Jul, 2010
Hi Shoaib,

It looks as though you haven't defined $v_name. You need to get the value from the URL with
$v_name = JRequest::getString('v_name', '', 'get');
if ( $v_name ) {
  $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
  $query = "
    SELECT `Project_Name`, `fabrik_internal_id`, `Activity_Name`, `Description` 
      FROM `Project` 
      WHERE `fabrik_internal_id` = $db->quote($v_name) ; ";
  $result = $db->loadAssoc();
  . . .

shoaib 02 Jul, 2010

Thanks Bob. I works fine now.

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