I have the following settings in CF form which is working fine:
Email Results:Yes,
Data Storage: Yes before Sending email
onSubmit code after sending email. Here is the coede:
I also have the confirmation page plugin enabled. The form is working fine and so is CC.
But upon edit option in CC, neither am I seeing the confirmation page, nor any email sent nor even the onSubmit execution. Can u point the problem? Also I dont see any mail options in CC
PS: I am using the same form to fetch and update the CF data
Email Results:Yes,
Data Storage: Yes before Sending email
onSubmit code after sending email. Here is the coede:
//Fetching the Unique identifier since cf_id is not passed
$u_id= JRequest::getString('uid','0', 'post');
$db =&JFactory::getDBO();
//Fetching the cf_id referred here as the job_id
$query = "SELECT cf_id
FROM ".$db->nameQuote('cf_PostJobs')."
WHERE ".$db->nameQuote('uid')." = ".$db->quote($u_id).";";
$job_id= $db->loadResult();
//Calling my Job publisher package
$query = "CALL `p_cf_post_jobs`(".$job_id.");";
//This line will Execute the Query
I also have the confirmation page plugin enabled. The form is working fine and so is CC.
But upon edit option in CC, neither am I seeing the confirmation page, nor any email sent nor even the onSubmit execution. Can u point the problem? Also I dont see any mail options in CC
PS: I am using the same form to fetch and update the CF data