nameQuote('uid')." = ".$db->quote($u_id).";";$db->setQuery($query);$job_id= $db->loadResult();//Calling my Job publisher package$query = "CALL `p_cf_post_jobs`(".$job_id.");";$db->setQuery($query);//This line will Execute the Query$db->query();?>I also have the confirmation page plugin enabled. The form is working fine and so is CC. But upon edit option in CC, neither am I seeing the confirmation page, nor any email sent nor even the onSubmit execution. Can u point the problem? Also I dont see any mail options in CCPS: I am using the same form to fetch and update the CF data"> Cant get Chronoconnectivity Edit Option to Send email - Forums


Cant get Chronoconnectivity Edit Option to Send email

ashishb01 30 Jun, 2010
I have the following settings in CF form which is working fine:
Email Results:Yes,
Data Storage: Yes before Sending email
onSubmit code after sending email. Here is the coede:
//Fetching the Unique identifier since cf_id is not passed
$u_id= JRequest::getString('uid','0', 'post');
$db =&JFactory::getDBO();
//Fetching the cf_id referred here as the job_id 
$query = "SELECT cf_id
    FROM ".$db->nameQuote('cf_PostJobs')."
    WHERE ".$db->nameQuote('uid')." = ".$db->quote($u_id).";";
$job_id= $db->loadResult();
//Calling my Job publisher package
$query = "CALL `p_cf_post_jobs`(".$job_id.");";
//This line will Execute the Query

I also have the confirmation page plugin enabled. The form is working fine and so is CC.
But upon edit option in CC, neither am I seeing the confirmation page, nor any email sent nor even the onSubmit execution. Can u point the problem? Also I dont see any mail options in CC
PS: I am using the same form to fetch and update the CF data
GreyHead 30 Jun, 2010
Hi ashishb01,

The Conformation Page plugin has some bugs and can block emails and other actions. Try disabling it and making sure that everything works OK without it.

ashishb01 30 Jun, 2010
Bulls eye Greyhaed,
Just disabling that plugin made things work. Is there any workaround for this confirmation page bug cos i really liked this feature?
Else for now I can live without it.
GreyHead 01 Jul, 2010
Hi ashishb01,

If you search here there may be a fixed or partially fixed version. Otherwise it needs to wait for another release.

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