
using ReCaptcha

ECH 29 Jun, 2010

I think I missed something in Recaptcha configuration because i didn't find any similar subject.

I made a registration form with a LiveValidation at first and a ServerSide. I use Recaptcha.

All work fine as long the form is correctly filled, but if an error occur in the fields, the form is republish to the user, and the ReCaptcha string is renewed.

When the user type the new ReCaptcha string, the code is always refused, as if the recaptcha was expecting the previous string. It look like the verification isn't initialized when the form is resend.

Any idea ?
GreyHead 29 Jun, 2010

No obvious sugestions to make. The creation and checking if the strings is all done remotely by ReCaptcha so ChronoForms has no influence on it.

Can you post a link ot the form please.

ECH 29 Jun, 2010
Hello Bob 🙂

here's a temporary link to the form in development, let you try a tell me what you think about this problem

you can made all kind of trials, no information is writed in database for the moment

Best regards

GreyHead 29 Jun, 2010
Hi Emmanuel,

No link??

GreyHead 29 Jun, 2010
Hi Emmanuel,

On The form Anti-spam tab do you have anti-spam turned on?

ECH 29 Jun, 2010
OK you found it ! ty very much Bob🙂

I had setted the include "image verification" to OFF when i installed the ReCaptcha, but for unknow reason, the change hasn't been saved. (I see it sometimes happen on the Joomla, you can't save any modification, need to relog and then it's ok)

I didn't checked after but the build-in anti-spam was still ON.
Now it works fine.

Thanks again

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