
Chronoform in module position

treblesix 23 Jun, 2010
When I publish a form in any module position I get a 500 internal server error
Any ideas as to the cause of this error?
nml375 23 Jun, 2010
Which versions of the component and module have you installed?

treblesix 23 Jun, 2010
Hi Fredrik
Com = 3.1 RC5.5
Mod = 1.3/V3.1RC5.2
treblesix 23 Jun, 2010
Am running sh404sef - any conflict there?
nml375 23 Jun, 2010
Hi Stuart,
Those versions should work well. I can't see why sh404 would cause any issues with this.

Could you try setting the error reporting to maximum in your site setup, and see if you can get any further details on the error?

treblesix 24 Jun, 2010
Cannot get errors with error reporting as the page goes blank with just Error 500 ... on it as soon as I enable the module??
treblesix 24 Jun, 2010
FYI - problem solved with move to PHP5 from PHP 4 😀
sven@whitebox 11 Nov, 2010
I am also having the same trouble.
All my forms work fine, however when I try to insert a form as a module on a page, it just displays a blank page once enabled.

The last answer was to upgrade from php 4 to php 5, however I am already using PHP 5.2.

Any other suggestions?
Max_admin 14 Nov, 2010
Hi Sven,

A blank page = some error, try to change the error reporting in Joomla global config to maximum to find out what the error is or check your error log and let me know what you find.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
FuturaImmagine2 18 Oct, 2011
Hi guys i have the same problem.

If i publish the form in a module the module is blank.

Here the site, with all debug on.

If i publish form in content it work (it is names 'Contatti_ita').
If i publish a custom module with plugin code it is simply printed (but it's ok, it is a content plugin)...

please help.

I'm using chronocontact 3 with chronocontact 3 module.
I'm running joomla 1.5.22 with PHP Version 5.2.9
GreyHead 18 Oct, 2011
Hi FuturaImmagine2,

Where on the site is the form?

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