
Custom order from with running total

ripcord 20 Jun, 2010
Hi There,
I've created a sport's league shirt order form and I now want to have a running total displayed at the bottom with the total of the number of times "adult small", "adult Medium", Adult large, ect is selected from various dropdown lists.
I need to collect both the price attached to each option value as well as the "size" attribute.

Here is a sample of one of 20 list options for collecting the size of shirts...

<label class="cf_label" style="width: 200px;">Assistant Coach 1 Shirt Size</label>
<select class="cf_inputbox" id="select_65" size="1" title="" name="AsstCoach1Shirt" onchange=";">
<option value="">Select a Size</option>
<option value="aSmall" prince="8">Adult Small</option>
<option value="aMed" price="8" >Adult Medium</option>
<option value="aLrg" price="8">Adult Large</option>
<option value="aXLrg" price="8">Adult X-Large</option>
<option value="aXXLrg"price="10">Adult XX-Large</option>
<option value="aXXLrg"price="10">Adult XXX-Large</option>


I desperately need help with the Java script which will calculate and display the total number of each shirt size as well as the final cost for the entire order.
GreyHead 23 Jun, 2010
Hi ripcord,

There are many scripts around that will let you do this. Googling may turn up something that would be a useful start.

How are you collecting the quantity information here? There's nothing in the select to do this.

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