
Details page

Pelabon 20 Jun, 2010
Hello, I tried to use the Profile Plugin (cf faq 48) but don not understand how it works...
Here is my problem in french and bad english...

j'ai créé un formulaire d'enregistrement des utilisateurs d'un site. Ca marche, je vois bien les inscrits dans le menu gestion des utilisateurs de l'administrateur joomla.
(formulaire "inscription")
Mais maintenant, j'aimerais que les inscrits aient accès à une page de modification de leurs données.
donc un nouveau formulaire (formulaire "registred").
J'ai associé ce nouveau formulaire registred à un menu "modifier mes données", je l'ai connecté à la même table que le formulaire "inscription", j'ai activé le plugin "page de profil", mais maintenant, je suis perdue et ça ne marche pas.
Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider ?
J'ai mis en pièce jointe un Zip avec les 2 formulaires "inscription" et "registred"
Merci d'avance,


I created a form for users to register a site. It works, I see users listed in the menu user management joomla administrator. (form "registration")
But now, I want that registrants have access to a page to change their data.
So a new form (form "registred").
I associated this new form "registred" a menu "change my data.
I connected the form "registred" to the same table that the form" subscribe "
I enabled the plugin" profile page ", but now I am lost and it does not work.
Can you help me?
I put in a zip attachment with the two forms "subscribe" and "registred"
Thank you in advance,
Pelabon 21 Jun, 2010
Please, nobody have an idea ?
GreyHead 23 Jun, 2010
Hi Pelabon,

Have you configured the Profile Page plugin? If so, please post a screenshot here.

GreyHead 23 Jun, 2010
Hi Pelabon,

The problem (or part of it) is the Request Parameter name. It should just be a paramter name, like user_id, that you will add to the URL to identify the record to be displayed.

If I recall correctly if you leave this empty then it will default to use the current User ID.

Pelabon 23 Jun, 2010
Ok, I left this field blank (cf attachment)
I have several problems:
- Data of the connected user does not appear in the details page form
I read that I had to put the titles of the columns of the mysql table between { } to the data appears in the form, but I did not understand where and my tests were inconclusive.
- The joomla details page show joomla users details page and not chronoform users details form
- When I enter data in this chronoform form (form name "registred"), it recordes a new user instead of changing the data of the user logged
- I can not understand the difference between "Target field name, "Request parameter name" and "Default Request Parameter value"

Can I send you a personal message with a temporary login to the joomla admin so that you can check easily the problems and explain me ?

Pelabon 04 Jul, 2010
well, I am still lost...

The chronoform login form (called inscription) works alright.
When a new person register, no problem.
New datas are registred in both database : joomla_users and the chronoform_data_base_inscription
But when I use the user details form (called registred), with the plugin profile-page, the new datas are modified in chronoform database but not in joomla_users database.
And I do not know how to math those fields again between the 2 databases... (the 5 fields : name, username, email, password and confirm password)

My field names are similar in both database ( username=username, name=name, email=email, password=password, confirm password = password2 )
The chronoform data base is called : tjk_chronoforms_inscription
joomla users database : tjk_users

Can you help me ?

thank you again,

GreyHead 04 Jul, 2010
Hi Elo,

a) Don't store the same information twice. If it's in jos_users thatn don't add it to another table.

b) You can update the Joomla User tbale information byt editing the Joomla User Object. There is an example in the Joomla Docs of creating a New User, you need to follow a similar approach to editing a user record.

Pelabon 04 Jul, 2010
Hello Bob,
thank you for your reply
Sorry, but I still do not understand :
if I make a new form for new users to register, with the chronoform plugin "enregistrement Joomla!"; the same datas are in both table (joomla_users and the chronoform_table) ?
(name, username, email, password & confirm password)
Or is there way for those datas to be stored in joomla_users_table and the other datas in the chronoform_table ?

For the b), is it a hack ?


GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi Elo,

No hack required, just don't have columns for name, email. etc. in the second table.

Pelabon 05 Jul, 2010
Ok, so I disable those columns in the chronoforms_table. (columns that arr in double with joomla_users_table)
It means also that I remove those fields form the 2nd form of modification of datas.
So the users cannot change their email or password for example ?

GreyHead 05 Jul, 2010
Hi Elo,

It means also that I remove those fields form the 2nd form of modification of datas.

No, it means that you have to update them using the Joomla User Object code - see the docs for JUser (I posted links here in the last 24 hours).

Pelabon 07 Jul, 2010
Hello Bob,
thank you for your patience.
A bit difficult for me technical explanations of joomla docs in English ...
I'll find a way a little easier and keep chronoforms that a like a lot for uses slightly less complicated.
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