
Joomla Vs. Drupal

tractor 19 Jun, 2010
Does any one know which is the better of the two cms? Drupal or Joomla? Any advantage of building a site with one verses the other?
stracnel 20 Jun, 2010
In my opinion I would go with Joomla it is very easy to install and much more user friendly than Drupal.
lonnie411 23 Jun, 2010
Joomla is much more user friendly and easier to work with.
cyberdoji 23 Jun, 2010
I have had the most success with Joomla also..Hands down the better of
the two.
Abiruth 25 Jun, 2010
Joomla is good, so is Drupal. I recently saw a Drupal demo, and it's really cool. I think it's a matter of user prefrences, as both products are great
nicolebeckett 02 Jul, 2010
Agreed... Joomla seems much more user-friendly, even for people like me, who aren't very tech-savvy!🙂
chrisdgreat12 09 Jul, 2010
I'll go for Joomla, because it takes time for me to learn Drupal.
peteb 11 Jul, 2010
I found Joomla to be more easy to learn, although there certainly still is quite a learning curve for a formerly technical dude like me.
zeronicotine 11 Jul, 2010
Joomla is much more user friendly and easier to work with.
jessierose82 01 Oct, 2010
I am using Joomla for now because everyone says thats its a friendly user which is true but I will give it a try to Drupal soon to have my own comparison
saulprest10 03 Nov, 2010
I don't have any experience with Drupal but I think Joomla is user friendly.
jomartin 22 Nov, 2010
I prefer Joomla over Drupal it is much easier to use.
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